Everyone is Welcome

If you’ve never been to a Unitarian service – or indeed any sort of church service – it can be daunting to attend one for the first time. The following may help as a useful guide if you don’t know what to expect on your first visit to Norcliffe.

Dog treats & fresh water available for our 4-legged visitors

What to expect on your first visit

  • Day and time: Our services take place at 3pm each Sunday afternoon. Services usually last around 30-45 minutes. At Christmas and on Easter Sunday the times will vary, but these will be publicised well in advance.
  • Parking: We are located in the heart of Styal village. If you use the postcode SK9 4JE in your satnav this will get you to the National Trust car park, where you can park for free during services. * See the “contact us” page for details on parking at the chapel*
  • Dress: Don’t feel you need to wear your Sunday best (unless you want to!). Come exactly as you are.
  • Format: Services will usually start with some opening words and the lighting of the chalice candle, a symbol of our Unitarian & Free Christian faith. There will be a number of readings which will either be from the bible or from other sources, (depending on who is taking the service), prayers, time for silent reflection, sermon that is usually around 10 to 15 minutes long, and the offertory (collection) will be taken to help fund the running of the chapel. There will usually be 3-4 hymns during the service, and some closing words at the end. 
  • Tea and coffee: We serve tea and coffee after the service during which time there is the chance to have a chat with the other members of the congregation. It’s great if you can join us, but don’t feel you have to if you need to get home.
  • Children: Children are welcome at all services. 
  • Dogs: All dogs are more than welcome. We provide fresh water and treats.

Sunday Gatherings

Every Sunday at 3.00pm – all are very most welcome to join us. ***The pulpit list will be updated soon***